About us

There is always a moment to say Thank You, to share, to show that we belong together.
"Pictures drawn and painted together on weekends and sent as cards to beloved friends and relatives."
These are Sonntagskarten, it is a lovely tradition, although nowadays they are not anymore only created on weekends, every day is a good day for Sonntagskarten.
Sonntagskarten are time and rest
- Write with paint and brush
- Expression without words
- In the here and now, time to reflect
Sonntagskarten are originals or limited print editions
- Pictures and series, variations on a theme
- A picture consisting of single images
- A series of single images build an overall picture
Encounters | Drawing and painting together
It is lovely to draw and paint together with others. Sonja Promeuschel is teaching painting and drawing for many years. She has developed some approaches that will encourage you to paint and draw with fun although you haven't done it for a long time.
Not all workshops are shown here on the website. You can also subscribe to the Workshop newsletter, where short-term dates will be announced.
It is also possible to arrange individual workshops. If you are interested in a workshop exclusively for yourself and your family or friends, please feel free to ask for more information.
What do we do?
The workshops are different. They are described in the announcements. Sonja would rather describe the workshops as inspiring meetings. Her favourite topics are:
- Draw and paint in pairs on an image. See with four eyes, paint with four hands.
- Drawing invisible. We outwit our concerns about the white sheet of paper and our self-proclaimed inability. Or we might see and work anew and fresh again. Finally color makes the drawing visible.
- Point and Stroke, the basic elements of drawing.
- Together on-site painting and drawing. Together we see more, we experience more and multiply memories that connect us.
Who can participate?
- You don't draw and paint, but you're curious to try.
- During a trip with friends or family you want to keep and share memories on paper.
- Paint together with friends or family if you'd like to give away personal pictures or cards.
- You like to draw and paint but would like work on the basics and share experiences.
Where do we meet?
- The workshops are held on different locations in Germany and abroad.
- For more information please call Sonja Promeuschel -> Contact: 08106 999 88 05
- You can also subscribe to the Workshop newsletter, where short-term dates will be announced.
- It is also possible to arrange individual workshops. If you are interested in a workshop exclusively for yourself and your family or friends, please feel free to send us a message.
Sketchbook | There is everywhere something to discover

Fotos: Blaz Demsar

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